Upcoming events brought to you by OPD



Four great upcoming events of interest to graduate women in STEM, sponsored by the Graduate School’s Office of Professional Development.



Introduction to the Teaching Portfolio & Preparing  A Teaching Statement 
WHEN: Friday, November 21st – 9:30am-12:30pm
WHERE: 917 Campus Center
DETAILS: Intended to help students prepare for the academic job search, this interactive three-hour workshop will introduce participants to the most important elements of the teaching portfolio.  In addition to discussing the purpose, content and format of the portfolio, participants will have the opportunity to begin developing a teaching statement. Co-sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Faculty Development. Pre-registration is required.

Motherhood in Graduate School and Beyond
WHEN: Friday, November 21st – 12:00 -1:00pm
WHERE: 804-08 Campus Center
DETAILS: In this brown bag lunch workshop and discussion, Professor Mari Castañeda will share testimonies by women who are or have been mothers as undergraduates, graduate students, academic staff, administrators, and professors from her co-edited book, Mothers in Academia. She will review some of the central issues affecting academic motherhood and lead a discussion with graduate students about some of the institutional policies and practices that can foster a culture of care and community on campuses. Graduate student mothers, fathers, parents, and supportive colleagues are encouraged to attend. Bring your lunch – coffee and cookies will be provided. Pre-registration is requested.

A Career in Scientific Outreach
WHEN: Wednesday, December 3rd – 12:00 -1:30pm
WHERE: 1634 Lederle Graduate Research Tower
DETAILS: UMass alumna, Dr. Katie Maher, is an Outreach, Education and Events Coordinator for RA Capital Management, a hedge fund that invests in the healthcare and life sciences markets.  In this role, she connects her firm to the scientific community to increase company visibility, recruit research team members, and sponsor community events and activities. She primarily engages with graduate students, biomedical faculty and physician groups to organize talks, seminars, round tables, career panels, discussion panels, and event sponsorships.  Dr. Maher’s firm is largely comprised of PhD scientists – come and learn more about the important role these professionals play at RA Capital Management. A pizza lunch will be served.

IOP Publishing: Maximizing the impact of your work
WHEN: Thursday, December 4th – 1:00 -2:00pm
WHERE: 1634 Lederle Graduate Research Tower
DETAILS: The world of scientific publishing is becoming more and more densely populated, with the number of publications increasing daily and many academics under constant pressure to publish or perish. So what can you do to ensure your research stands out?  What are publishers doing to present your research at its best to as great an audience as possible?  Dr. Anna Demming, online editor of nanotechweb.org and publishing editor for the sister journal Nanotechnology, will discuss current challenges in scientific publishing, how IOP Publishing is working to address them, and how emerging trends are impacting the publishing landscape.  She will close with an interactive discussion about careers in publishing. Pre-registration is requested.