The AWIS (Association of Women in Science) organization is holding a lecture/discussion series of events titled “She’s a Scientist”. These events are held at Smith College, and if you wish to attend but need transportation please contact Barbara Pearson –
The first talk is:
Nilanjana Dasgupta, Professor of Psychology at UMass Amherst
Girls and Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics:
STEMing the Tide and Broadening Participation in STEM
Monday–April 20, 4:30 – 6:00 pm Smith College, Seelye 106
And the second talk is:
Nancy Hopkins, Amgen Inc Professor of Biology at MIT
The Changing Status of Women in Science: the MIT Story (1964 – 2014)
Tuesday, May 12, 9- 10:30 am,
Smith College, Campus Center Carroll Room
Nancy Hopkins, Amgen Inc Professor of Biology at MIT
The Changing Status of Women in Science: the MIT Story (1964 – 2014)
Tuesday, May 12, 9- 10:30 am,
Smith College, Campus Center Carroll Room
Hope to see you there!