Join us for the next Situation Room: First Impressions

All participants will hear expert tips and advice on how to tailor your elevator speech to different situations and have the opportunity to navigate four different networking situations in small groups. WHEN: Thursday, April 17 2014 from 11:30am-1:00pm WHERE: Gunness Student Center in Marcus Hall. Invited speaker Shana Passonno, Director of the Graduate School’s Office of […]

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Upcoming events sponsored by the UMass Women in Transportation (WTS)

Check out these events! —————————— 1. Making Connections with Mentors: How to Fast-Track Your Career Today! Time: Wednesday, April 2, 12:00-1:00 PM Location: Gunness Student Center, Marcus Hall Guest Speaker: Paula Simmons, MassDOT Project Manager, P.E. Making a connection is easy but making a good connection is hard. Who’s a good connection? Who’s pulling for you? Who’s got your […]

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Announcing: UMass Amherst institutional partnership with the Association for Women in Science (AWIS)

Here’s a great opportunity for UMass students that we hope you all take advantage of, but is not affiliated with GWIS.  What’s in it for you: A one-year FREE membership in AWIS for all interested students, which includes: Online professional development and leadership webinars like ‘The Saavy of Successful Leaders’ and ‘The Dual Career Challenge’ […]

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Upcoming events from OPD

Check out these great upcoming events from the Graduate School’s Office of Professional Development!  Wednesday, March 26th (12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, 153 Goessmann Lab) Intellectual Property Management and Technology Transfer Jointly sponsored by the Office of Professional Development and the Office of Commercial Ventures and Intellectual Property (CVIP) Join us to learn about how intellectual […]

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Upcoming workshop! The Situation Room: Surviving an Online Interview

This workshop will feature Professor Ben Brau as a guest speaker on online interview tips and protocol. Joining him on the interview panel will be fellow ATLAS research group faculty, all very experienced with remote communication and online interviewing. Participants will have the opportunity to navigate a live 5 minute online interview with the panelists and receive […]

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Congratulations to the elected 2014-2015 GWIS officers and committee chairs!

Here are the results of December’s election:  Administrative Executive Chair: Jess McIver Liaison Executive Chair: Katrina Rieger Outreach Committee Co-chairs: Amy Ryan and Arianne Bazilio Mentoring Committee Chair: Lily Jeznach Finance Committee Chair: Wystan Carswell Congratulations all, and we look forward to seeing what this talented and diverse team can do! Stay tuned for mini-bios. […]

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