Python-Data manipulation, library sci kit learn- mathematical learning

Ever think about learning more about programming but didn’t know where to look? GWIS is holding a series of interactive workshops to show the ropes of the versatile programming language popular with scientists and engineers: python! What: Interactive python programming workshop – Session 2 When: Tuesday, November 18th. 3:00-4:30pm  Where: Integrated Sciences Building (ISB) 145 Participants will interact with […]

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Nominations for 2015-2016 executive board now open!

Nominations for the 2015-2016 term are now open until November 40th. Nominate yourself or another UMass graduate student enthusiastic about advancing women in STEM and leading a great organization HERE. 2015-2016 GWIS executive board election timeline: Nominations: November 10th-30th Elections: December 1-5 Shadow period for elected leaders to shadow current leaders: Jan – April Term […]

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Python-The basics

Ever think about learning more about programming but didn’t know where to look? GWIS is holding an interactive workshop to show the ropes and basics of the versatile programming language popular with scientists and engineers: python! What: Interactive python programming workshop – Session 1 When: Tuesday, November 4th. 3:00-4:30pm  Where: CS Building 150  Participants will interact with experts […]

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GWIS member exclusive: coffee with visiting industry scientist

 Come and meet Dr. Masha Fridkis-Hareli, of Accelerating Translational Research, LLC.  You might remember Dr. Fridkis-Hareli as an industry panelist at the GWIS networking event last spring. Check out her bio HERE. WHEN: Wednesday, November 12th 2014,  2:00pm – 2:45pm WHERE: Campus Center 804-08 Free coffee and snacks!  Space is limited! REGISTER HERE! Dr. Fridkis-Hareli will be speaking […]

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