How to apply? What is graduate school like? How do you find mentors, or funding, and more! October 15th 5:00– 6:00 PM EST Sign up here! https://forms.gle/4iH8x5WijDFPfJiz8
How to apply? What is graduate school like? How do you find mentors, or funding, and more! October 15th 5:00– 6:00 PM EST Sign up here! https://forms.gle/4iH8x5WijDFPfJiz8
Interested in international academic or industry collaborations? Come learn and practice professional skills for cross-cultural interaction! RSVP today by clicking here!
“STEMing the Tide: Female Experts and Peers act as “Social Vaccines” that Inoculate Young Women against Stereotypes and Increase their Participation in STEM Careers” Nilanjana Dasgupta is a social psychologist whose work focuses on the effects of social contexts on implicit stereotypes – particularly on factors which insulate women in STEM fields from harmful stereotypes […]
We’re looking for 30 graduate women volunteers for our last Undergraduate Mentoring Dinner for this semester. This is a chance to share your advice about applying to graduate schools and fellowships with undergraduate students in an informal setting. Sandwiches, salads, and desserts will be provided from Atkins Farm. Please let us know if you’re interested […]
Please join us on Monday, March 28 for two special events: The CNS Women in Science Lecture and GWIS Reception immediately following. During the lecture, panelists will discuss what is being done at UMass to promote professional development and gender equity for women in STEM. The following reception is a chance for students, faculty, and […]
We’re looking for some graduate student volunteers to help us host an undergraduate/graduate student mentoring dinner. At this event, we’ll be talking about ways to obtain summer research opportunities, both on-campus and off campus. We’ll also focus on how to write confident and clear professional emails to professors regarding research, and talking points when meeting […]
Want to meet other graduate women in STEM? Already in a peer mentoring group, or want to join a new group? Come kick-off a new semester of GWIS Peer Mentoring. At this speed-dating event, you’ll get to meet and select the best peer mentoring group for you. In a peer mentoring group, you’ll have the […]
Dr. Connie Chow, a scientist and educator, infuses STEM with play, feminism and inclusion. She founded The-Exploratory (the-exploratory.org) to empower teachers and girls to bring science to life in Ghana. She’s an associate lecturer in the Honors College at UMass Boston and a visiting social entrepreneur at the Center for Women’s Health and Human Rights […]
Are you interested in learning more about the types of programming GWIS does? Would you like to meet other graduate women in STEM fields from outside your department or program in a fun low-key setting? Do you need a little break from work in the evening to refresh? Do you like trivia?! Then join the […]
We are excited to invite you to the GSDSE Spring 2016 diversity seminar series next Thursday and Friday, February 11th and 12th. We are delighted to have Professor Thomas Epps III as our invited seminar speaker. Professor Epps will give a diversity and a technical talk, where he will share with us his views about […]