Undergraduate/Graduate Student Mentoring Dinner

We’re looking for 30 graduate women volunteers for our last Undergraduate Mentoring Dinner for this semester. This is a chance to share your advice about applying to graduate schools and fellowships with undergraduate students in an informal setting. Sandwiches, salads, and desserts will be provided from Atkins Farm. Please let us know if you’re interested […]

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Undergraduate/Graduate Student Mentoring Dinner

We’re looking for some graduate student volunteers to help us host an undergraduate/graduate student mentoring dinner.  At this event, we’ll be talking about ways to obtain summer research opportunities, both on-campus and off campus. We’ll also focus on how to write confident and clear professional emails to professors regarding research, and talking points when meeting […]

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Graduate/Undergraduate Mentoring Dinner: Selling Yourself as a Scientist!

This is a great opportunity for graduate students to mentor undergraduates about graduate school, interviewing tips, and career advice. We will be workshoping elevator pitches and discussing personal statements. We’re looking for 10-15 enthusiastic graduate students to attend. Dinner from Atkins Farms will be provided. Additionally, if you know any undergraduates who would benefit from […]

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