Diversity in STEM: Best Practices in Faculty and Graduate Student Recruitment and Retention

At this event, we wanted to get an external perspective of Diversity in STEM fields in academia. We wanted to look at the faculty situation and had a great speaker from UDel who is currently a dean of engineering. Professor Pamela Cook is a applied mathematician and she shared her thoughts about the field overall in […]

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The Imposter Syndrome Luncheon hosted by GSCA and GWIS

This was a great event for anyone feeling overwhelmed by grad school.  The Impostor Syndrome  is a common phenomenon among graduate students, characterized by a feeling of personal inadequacy.  It’s certainly something that I’ve struggled with throughout my three years at UMass, and unfortunately, the panelists confirmed that these feelings rarely go away completely, but […]

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Graduate Student, Post-Doc, & Faculty Luncheon

We’re very excited to announce our fall grad student, post-doc, and faculty luncheons! These will take place on Tuesday, Sept 29th and Thursday, Nov 4th from noon to one in the Gunness Student Center at Marcus Hall.  These events are a great way to meet faculty and other young professionals in the STEM fields and learn about their experiences as women in […]

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Identity in Academia: The Relationship Between the Impostor Syndrome and Intersectionality

Have you ever felt like you don’t belong in graduate school or your current position? Have you felt like you are only at UMass by chance, and all your accomplishments are menial or only possible through extensive guidance from others? There are a number of other feelings and thoughts associated with the Impostor Syndrome, and […]

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I Want YOU! To Impact Public Policy

The Scientists and Engineers Impacting Public Policy panel was an overwhelming success – over 30 students attended!  While scientists and engineers are routinely praised for contributions to the research community, it is also important to recognize their valuable contributions to public policy and service. The ability to involve, engage, and serve the public can have […]

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Graduate Student/Faculty Luncheons, 2/24 and 4/29

What: Graduate Student/Faculty Luncheons, a fantastic way to network or get advice in an informal, relaxed setting. Female faculty members from CNS and CoE are invited to attend so that STEM graduate students can meet with them and discuss topics ranging from research to work/life balance to academic politics and back again.  Enjoy a yummy (free) […]

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Conversations Abound at the Dynamic STEM Careers Lunch

With the small group size, each participant had the opportunity to voice their ideas. Everyone was able to make eye contact and the conversation flowed more naturally with the two speakers and the participants jumping off of others’ ideas. This setting drove the conversation in unexpected but helpful ways and helped those in attendance make deeper […]

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