We had a great time holding the Teaching in All Types of Classrooms Situation Room, and we hope you were there to participate! This event started with a brief introduction to teaching pedagogy and what are some of the most common mistakes made while teaching by the panel of experts. The panel for this situation […]
Situation Room
Mastering the Poster Session – Another Awesome Situation Room
We are very proud of last week’s Situation Room, which focused on the ever-present Poster Session. We know – they can be the bane of every graduate student’s conference, difficult to prepare for, full of anxiety. We had 4 volunteers present their posters to a panel consisting of a post-doc, faculty, and graduate student who […]
Upcoming workshop! The Situation Room: Surviving an Online Interview
This workshop will feature Professor Ben Brau as a guest speaker on online interview tips and protocol. Joining him on the interview panel will be fellow ATLAS research group faculty, all very experienced with remote communication and online interviewing. Participants will have the opportunity to navigate a live 5 minute online interview with the panelists and receive […]