Want to meet other graduate women in STEM? Already in a peer mentoring group, or want to join a new group? Come kick-off a new semester of GWIS Peer Mentoring. At this speed-dating event, you’ll get to meet and select the best peer mentoring group for you. In a peer mentoring group, you’ll have the […]
Peer Mentoring Kickoff Event

Are you interested in making friends outside your department? Want to chat about your graduate experience with other women in STEM? Already in a peer mentoring group? The GWIS Mentoring Committee is hosting an introductory event to welcome new peer mentoring group members. Come learn about different mentoring styles and meet with your group members. […]
Networking Night Success!
Thanks to everyone who came out to our Networking Night last week at the Hanger Pub! It seemed like everyone had a great time meeting fellow students and other young professionals over cheese platters. Congratulations to Mark Hagemann for remembering the most names during the name game portion of the evening! We hope you enjoyed […]
August Ice Breakers and Ice Cream Social
We had a great turnout at the GWIS HQ for our summer ice cream social last week! Everyone had a chance to play the “Who Am I?” icebreaker game – everyone received an index card with the name of a character or an object, and had to guess who they were by asking their friends […]
GWIS Professional Development and Indian Student Association Lunch
The Graduate Women in Stem (GWIS) and Indian Student Association (ISA) are collaborating for the first time to help graduate students from all departments with professional and personal advancement along with some social events. We’re organizing our first social event including lunch on Thursday, May 14th, starting 12:30 pm and would be delighted to see […]
Networking’s First Event – the Gender Matters Lecture Reception
Around fifty people showed up to our networking reception which took place immediately after the Gender Matters Lecture last week. The lecture focused on implicit biases against women in STEM, in academia, and in general. The reception afterwards had a fantastic turnout – we were really excited to see everyone there! Attendees included students, faculty, […]
March Graduate Student Appreciation Day Coffee Hour
Come network with graduate students from other STEM fields! WHEN: Monday, March 23 2:30pm – 4:00pm WHERE: Gunness Student Center (Marcus Hall) Enjoy free coffee, gluten free macaroons, Atkins cider donuts, and fruit! All are welcome – no registration required. We appreciate you! Also, mark your calendars for the April coffee hour! April 22nd @ 10:30 in Morrill […]
November STEM graduate student appreciation day
Come network with graduate students from other STEM fields! WHEN: Thursday, November 13th 4:00pm – 5:30pm WHERE: Computer Science building common room (or atrium) Enjoy free coffee, Atkins cider donuts, and fall themed snacks! Brought to you by the Graduate School’s Office of Student Life and the Graduate Women in STEM. We appreciate you!
Upcoming trivia night and general body meeting!
GWIS members, come out for an evening of snacks and trivia! Our last trivia night was a blast. Meet other GWIS members, talk about your experiences, and give feedback on what GWIS can do for you. WHEN: Wednesday, November 19th from 5:30-6:30pm WHERE: LGRT 1033 lounge (third door on your left after a right out […]
Don’t Forget to Attend October’s STEM Graduate Student Appreciation Day
Feeling weary with teaching, classes, research, and other responsibilities? Venture forth to the land beyond the library, and join us for the October STEM appreciation day! Come enjoy a free afternoon coffee and some snacks, while networking with graduate students from other STEM fields! Wednesday October 22 @ 2:30pm in Tobin 521B Thursday November 13 […]