We had a great time holding the Teaching in All Types of Classrooms Situation Room, and we hope you were there to participate! This event started with a brief introduction to teaching pedagogy and what are some of the most common mistakes made while teaching by the panel of experts. The panel for this situation […]
professional development
Teaching in All Types of Classrooms Situation Room with the Women in Transportation Society
You’ve asked and we’ve listened- the teaching assistant situation room is being offered again! Being a teaching assistant is quite common in graduate school, but rarely do you receive some sort of training in how to effectively teach in a discussion, lab, or lecture setting. This can inherently lead to anxiety and difficulties when in […]
STEM Diversity Workshop
Dr. Connie Chow, a scientist and educator, infuses STEM with play, feminism and inclusion. She founded The-Exploratory (the-exploratory.org) to empower teachers and girls to bring science to life in Ghana. She’s an associate lecturer in the Honors College at UMass Boston and a visiting social entrepreneur at the Center for Women’s Health and Human Rights […]
GSDSE Spring 2016 Diversity Seminar Series
We are excited to invite you to the GSDSE Spring 2016 diversity seminar series next Thursday and Friday, February 11th and 12th. We are delighted to have Professor Thomas Epps III as our invited seminar speaker. Professor Epps will give a diversity and a technical talk, where he will share with us his views about […]
The Politics of Job Interviews and Salary Negotiations: Tips on Career Building for Graduate Students

Register now to attend a panel discussion focusing on the politics involved in job interviews and salary negotiations and issues related to intersectional identities.
The Situation Room: Networking

Take a turn in the hot seat! Practice your networking skills or observe and give feedback to your brave peers! Topics covered will include how to craft an elevator pitch, how to start a conversation, how to gracefully exit a conversation, and/or what to do if you forgot someone’s name. WHEN: Wednesday, November 18, 2015, 11:30- […]
AAAS Fellows Panel- Bridging Policy and Careers

This event informed the graduate community about the AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellowship, and connected event participants to past fellows that could serve as a resource for future applications. It was applicable to all STEM students as well as students from other disciplines, and clarified questions regarding the application process, life in Washington DC, and […]
Diversity in STEM: Best Practices in Faculty and Graduate Student Recruitment and Retention
At this event, we wanted to get an external perspective of Diversity in STEM fields in academia. We wanted to look at the faculty situation and had a great speaker from UDel who is currently a dean of engineering. Professor Pamela Cook is a applied mathematician and she shared her thoughts about the field overall in […]
The Imposter Syndrome Luncheon hosted by GSCA and GWIS
This was a great event for anyone feeling overwhelmed by grad school. The Impostor Syndrome is a common phenomenon among graduate students, characterized by a feeling of personal inadequacy. It’s certainly something that I’ve struggled with throughout my three years at UMass, and unfortunately, the panelists confirmed that these feelings rarely go away completely, but […]
Upcoming events exploring fellowships and careers in STEM policy
In collaboration with the Office of Professional Development, GWIS PD is hosting a panel event with several American Association for the Advancement of Science Science & Technology Policy Fellowship recipients. These fellowships take place within the various House and Executive offices of the US government. Each panelist will share their unique fellowship experience, how to […]