You have a legal right to an educational and working environment free from gender and sex-based discrimination. You have a number of options for reporting incidents including reporting via phone, in person, or online. Even if you don’t want to pursue a disciplinary proceeding or a criminal investigation, you have the right to access medical care, advocacy, counseling, and support.
UMass Center for Women and Community
General help and sexual assault help and resources for yourself or someone else. There is a 24-hour hotline available for speaking with a counselor and information on support groups and workshops. This resource can be utilized by UMass students or Hampshire county residents and serves female, male, and LGBTQ survivors.
Trained advocates are there to help you, offer support, connect you with resources, and respect your decisions. You can find numerous sexual assault or domestic violence program in Massachusetts.
Their Email Hotline will provide legal information to anyone who reaches out with legal questions or concerns regarding domestic violence, sexual violence, or other sex-based issues to people of all genders.
To cope with the pain of domestic and sexual abuse, some victims turn to the use of drugs and alcohol. Their mission is to be a support resource for those coping with these issues.
Please feel free to take a look at their Domestic Abuse resource guide
Abuse and Harassment Court Orders
Find information about getting or responding to abuse and harassment prevention orders and restraining orders.
Ark Behavioral Health provides all levels of evidence-based care to assist in your journey toward addiction recovery. Their mission is to provide the best continuum of care for men, women, and families in the Northeast region and across the United States. They use a whole-patient approach built on a foundation of integrity, transparency, and compassion.