Paper peer review form

November 28, 2007

If you need more copies, there are some outside my door, or you can download it here

outline, musings

November 19, 2007

here is the outline for Byzantium after Iconoclasm
So, I am thinking about class on Wednesday. Several of you have told me you won’t be there and I was thinking about having a drop in session for paper consultations, but would you rather do that tomorrow (Tuesday) instead? We can talk about it in class.

In case you lose them, here are the midterm handout and the iconoclasm timeline

And the link to today’s class ppt

New Page

October 23, 2007

There is now a reading schedule page for those of us who hate it when we forget out syllabus at home when we want to print out the readings in the library.

Andy Carroll


October 17, 2007

has been updated. Click here.

So it is time we worked on our glossary. Rather than you submitting them to me in the comments, I decided I would let us treat this page (and this site in general) more like a wiki – so you can now log on to the blog yourselves.

Make sure you do this this week.
The login page:

The username is his302

Just choose a term no one has posted on yet and write your entry. Don’t forget to include your name so I can give you participatioin credit.

Here was my original set of instructions on the glossary:
We will be using a number of unusual, specialized and Latin terms in this class so I thought that it would be useful if we compiled a glossary. We can continue to add new terms as the course progresses.
The glossary is listed under pages under the sidebar and it is also here:
There are some examples posted there already. Think carefully about the source you use (i.e. don’t trust Wikipedia and be careful with .coms generally). You can also provide useful links and images (make sure you credit the source).

Here are some discussion questions from our class on Friday 09/21

Medieval tech support

September 16, 2007

This is like my experiences with OIT:

Please look at the Life of Anthony. You don’t have to read the introduction, and you don’t have to read this with the same care that, for instance, you read the Passion of Perpetua, but it will help you to have this text to refer to on your quizzes and midterms. You can find it here:

Links project

September 16, 2007

Dear Class,
For this week (beginning 09/7) I would like each one of you to find a good website pertaining to an aspect of the early Middle Ages. Write a short (1-2 sentences or so) summary of its contents, strengths, and (if applicable) weaknesses, and send the address in the comments on the links page and I will post them.

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