Links project

Dear Class,
For this week (beginning 09/7) I would like each one of you to find a good website pertaining to an aspect of the early Middle Ages. Write a short (1-2 sentences or so) summary of its contents, strengths, and (if applicable) weaknesses, and send the address in the comments on the links page and I will post them.

2 Responses to “Links project”

  1.   Adam Baker Says:

    I think this website is a good place to start. It talks about the time period in general and also about the technology and religion etc.

  2.   Andrew Carroll Says:

    I found It is a site that has articles that are
    peer reviewed by other scholars to check for accuracy. It starts in
    the early Middle Ages and goes to the 1500s.

    And for the glossary term. I would like to know what a memoria is, I
    know what it means in Latin, but what would one look like, are they
    big or small, do any still exist?

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