Reader Response Essay Grading Rubric (10 pt numerical scale)
I. Thesis or Focal Point/Topic of Discussion
Superior (A/A-) = 1.9-2 pts: Original, ambitious, evocative, insightful, crystal clear, plausible. Essay is given a creative title. Essay connects well with paper title.
Very Good or Good (B+/B) = 1.7-1.8 pts: Promising, plausible, incorporates original thought. Essay connects well with paper title.
Needs Improvement (B-/C+/C) = 1.5 pts: Lacking in insight and originality. May be unclear or contains vague terms; offers relatively little that is new; Lacks substantive topic around which to structure the essay. Paper title and thesis/topic do not connect well or title is unimaginative.
Poor; Author Needs Help. Writing Center Appointment Recommended: (C-/D+) = 1.3-1.4 pts: Shows lack of effort or comprehension of the assignment. Very difficult to understand, owing to problems with mechanics, structure, and clarity of thought. Has no identifiable thesis, or incompetent thesis. Does not follow paper guidelines for length and format. Does not title the essay.
Failing (F) = 1.2 pts and below: Shows obviously minimal lack of effort or comprehension of the assignment. Many ideas are incomprehensible, owing to major problems with mechanics, structure, and analysis. Does not follow guidelines for length and format. Has no identifiable thesis, or claims are not plausible. Does not title essay.
*Also, plagiarism always serves as grounds for failure.
II. Structure and Mechanics
Superior (A/A-) = 1.9-2 pts: understandable, appropriate for exploration of thesis. Excellent transitions from point to point. Paragraphs have solid, sophisticated topic sentences. Paragraphs develop and support topic sentences. Sentence structure, grammar, and diction excellent; correct use of punctuation and MLA citation style, i.e., includes a Works Cited and uses in-text citations. Minimal to no spelling errors; absolutely no run-on sentences or comma splices. Conforms in every way to format requirements. Creates appropriate college level, academic tone.
Very Good or Good (B+/B) = 1.7-1.8 pts: Generally clear and appropriate for exploration of thesis. Good transitions. Thoughts organized in effective paragraphs although topic sentences could be used more effectively to introduce new paragraphs. Sentence structure, grammar, and diction strong, despite occasional lapses. Punctuation and MLA citation style used correctly. Minor spelling errors; may have one run-on sentence or comma splice. Conforms in every way to format requirements. Creates appropriate college level, academic tone.
Needs Improvement (B-/C+/C) = 1.5 pts: Structure somewhat unclear, tends to wander or jump around. Few or weak transitions. Many paragraphs without topic sentences. Problems in sentence structure, grammar, and diction (usually not major). Some errors in punctuation, citation style, and spelling. May have some run-on sentences or comma splices. Conforms in most ways to format requirements. Tone could be more formal, less casual.
Poor; Author Needs Help. Writing Center Appointment Recommended (C-/D+) = 1.3-1.4 pts: Unclear, often because thesis is weak or non-existent. Transitions confusing and unclear. Few topic sentences. Obvious problems in sentence structure, grammar, and diction. Frequent errors in citation style, punctuation, and spelling. May have many run-on sentences, garbled phrases, and/or comma splices. Does not conform to format requirements. Syntax and tone inappropriate for college level essays.
Failing (F) = 1.2 pts and below: Shows obviously minimal lack of effort or comprehension of the assignment. Many ideas are incomprehensible owing to major problems with structure, mechanics, and analysis. Lacks topic sentences to focus paragraphs. Lacking in effective transitions of thought. Incorrect use of citations, or citations are lacking. Does not conform to format requirements. Tone may be inappropriate for college level essays.
*Also, plagiarism always serves as grounds for failure.
III. Use of Evidence
Superior (A/A-) = 1.9-2 pts: Essay demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the ideas in the assigned reading and critically evaluates/responds to those ideas in an original, insightful, analytical, and persuasive manner. Source(s) information used to buttress every claim with examples. Examples support in-depth analysis and fit within paragraph topics. Excellent integration of quoted material into sentences.
Very Good or Good (B+/B) = 1.7-1.8 pts: Demonstrates a solid understanding of the ideas in the assigned reading and critically evaluates/responds to those ideas in an insightful, analytical, persuasive manner. Examples from source(s) used to support most points. Quotes well integrated into sentences.
Needs Improvement (B-/C+/C) = 1.5 pts: Points often lack supporting evidence, or evidence used where inappropriate (often because there may be no clear point). Quotes used instead of analysis to support ideas. Quotes may be poorly integrated into sentences. Demonstrates a general understanding of the ideas in the assigned reading, but only occasionally critically evaluates/responds to those ideas in an insightful, analytical, persuasive manner.
Poor; Author Needs Help. Writing Center Appointment Recommended (C-/D+) = 1.3-1.4 pts: Very few or very weak examples. General failure to support statements, or evidence seems to support no statement. Quotes not integrated into sentences. Demonstrates minimal understanding of (or misreads) the ideas in the assigned reading and does not critically evaluate/respond to those ideas in an analytical, persuasive manner.
Failing (F) = 1.2 pts and below: Failure to support statements, or evidence seems to support no statement. Does not draw on quotes from the assigned reading. Lack of understanding of the ideas in the assigned reading and fails to respond to those ideas in any meaningful way.
*Also, plagiarism always serves as grounds for failure.
IV. Complexity of Analysis
Superior (A/A-) = 1.9-2 pts: Analysis is fresh and exciting, posing new ways of thinking about the material. Work displays insight, creative, and critical thinking and avoids replacing analysis with summaries of information. Author relates significant evidence from source(s) to main topic of discussion. Strong topic sentences in paragraphs in which evidence is applied and discussed. Author makes effective connections to outside material (from other parts of the class, or other readings), which illuminate thesis.
Very Good or Good (B+/B) = 1.7-1.8 pts: Author provides evidence from source(s) to support statements or claims. Ideas well developed and analysis is original and insightful. Work avoids simplistic summaries of information. Author makes connections from outside assigned material.
Needs Improvement (B-/C+/C) = 1.5 pts: Quotes appear often without analysis relating them to the larger discussion or thesis (or there is a weak thesis to support). Evidence offered, but is not applied and discussed in an analytical manner. Even balance between critical thinking and description of assigned reading(s).
Poor; Author Needs Help. Writing Center Appointment Recommended (C-/D+) = 1.3-1.4 pts: Very little or weak attempt to relate evidence to argument; may be no identifiable argument, or no evidence provided. More description than analysis or critical thinking.
Failing (F) = 1.2 pts and below: Lacking in analysis. Simple summaries or descriptions of assigned reading.
*Also, plagiarism always serves as grounds for failure.
V. Logical flow of Ideas; Development of Argument/Discussion
Superior (A/A-) = 1.9-2 pts: All ideas in the paper flow logically; the argument or focal topic is identifiable, original, and sound. All ideas in the essay unfold or develop the main idea. Strong introduction and conclusion. Author may anticipate and successfully defuse counter-arguments. Exhibits appropriate college level, academic tone.
Very Good or Good (B+/B) = 1.7-1.8 pts: Focal point of paper is clear, usually flows logically and makes sense. Most ideas in the essay unfold or develop the main idea. Some evidence that counter-arguments (or other points of view) exist is provided, though perhaps not addressed. Occasional insightful connections to outside material may be made. Mostly exhibits appropriate college level, academic tone.
Needs Improvement (B-/C+/C) = 1.5 pts: Logic may often fail, or argument may often be unclear. Ideas in the essay may not adhere to or effectively develop the main idea. May not address counter-arguments or make any outside connections. Occasionally creates appropriate college level, academic tone, but has some overly casual language or inappropriate slang, cliché, and/or vernacular.
Poor; Author Needs Help. Writing Center Appointment Recommended (C-/D+) = 1.3-1.4 pts: Ideas do not flow, usually because there is no clear argument/claim to support. Simplistic view of topic; no effort to grasp possible alternative views. Does not create appropriate college level, academic tone, and uses overly casual language or inappropriate slang, cliché, and/or vernacular.
Failing (F) = 1.2 pts and below: Disjointed, unclear logic. Argument or claim is inappropriate for a college essay. Thinking does not develop. Inappropriate use of slang, cliché, vernacular.
*Also, plagiarism always serves as grounds for failure.