Updates January 2015

Group Wins Climate Science Service Award

Casey Brown, Patrick Ray and Sungwook Wi received the Climate Science Service Award from the California Department of Water Resources, presented on November 20, 2014.  The award was in recognition for their work applying the Decision Scaling methodology to assist California assess their vulnerability to climate change.  The work is supported by the DoD Strategic Research and Development Program. More here.

CaliClimate Science award


New Grant from SERDP – Assessing Flooding Risks under Climate Change

The Hydrosystems Research Group has won a $1.5 million grant from the DoD Strategic Environmental Research and Defense Program (SERDP) to investigate the effects of climate change on flood risk. Read the story here.

Decision Tree Tool presented at World Bank workshop in Nepal

Patrick Ray and Casey Brown delivered a workshop on their Decision Tree, a tool for evaluation of climate change risks to new development projects at a World Bank sponsored workshop in Kathmandu, Nepal, September 2014.

New Article published in Science

Coping with the Curse of Variability – new article published in Science reporting on early work from the Task Force on Water Security.  Casey Brown is a member of the research team led by Prof. Jim Hall at Oxford University.  Article here.

 Lownsbery wins Fulbright

Katherine Lownsbery won a Fulbright award to study in Burkina Faso. Lownsbery, who just completed her M.S. with the Hydrosystems Research Group, will spend the year in Ouguadougou hosted by the Institut International d’Ingénierie de l’Eau et de l’Environnement (2iE – International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering) before returning for her PhD.

 Brown Begins Sabbatical

Today Prof. Casey Brown left for Europe where he will spend the 2014-2015 academic year. Brown has been appointed Visiting Researcher in the Environmental Change Institute at the University of Oxford, England, and Visiting Scientist at the University of Grenoble, France.

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Team Travels to Oxford

Caitlin Spence, Hassaan Khan, Patrick Ray and Casey Brown traveled to the University of Oxford to participate in a meeting of the Task Force on Water Security in May 2014.  The team is conducting research on the economic effects of hydrologic hazards, like floods and droughts.  The work is sponsored by the Global Water Partnership.



AGU Fall Meeting 2014!:  Casey Brown, Scott Steinschneider and Umit Taner gave oral presentations; Patrick Ray, Sungwook Wi, Ethan Yang, Sarah Whateley, and Katherine Lownsbery presented posters.

Casey Brown presented at the World Bank Decision Making Under Uncertainty workshop hosted by Stephane Hallegatte in Washington DC, Nov 4-6, 2013.