Submissions to the Symposium are currently CLOSED
To submit to the Symposium:
Before submitting, please read all relevant submission guidelines.
The submission process consists of the following steps:
1. Choose from one of four types of submissions:
- A panel session,
- knowledge cafe,
- paper in a panel (only for panels already submitted),
- poster or
- other format.
2. If you are proposing a panel or knowledge cafe, submit the names of the panel presenters along with an abstract of the panel, bibliographic references, key words and check the relevant items.
3. Ensure that each individual panel presenter has submitted a separate paper abstract along with a full list of their co-authors and other requirements.
4. For alternative formats, upload your electronic file, if any, and associated files.
5. Before you begin, please be sure you have the following items:
- The submission’s title;
- The abstract (up to 300 words);
- Three to five bibliographic references; and
- A list of keywords (10 maximum).
When you are ready, click here to submit.
Submission Formats
The term “Workshop” includes a variety of formats that promote interactive dialogue and maximize the participation of all symposium attendees. Workshops can take the form of panels and papers, including case study examples; knowledge cafés; poster presentations; and other types of presentations indicated below
Knowledge café
Round-table discussion, facilitated by short presentations to begin each session for a maximum of 20 minutes, discussing aspects of the Rural Landscape Principles and accepted session proposal to explore issues, opportunities and solutions. Cafes have 40 minutes of open discussion and are suited to 20 to 30 participants.
Papers with Panel discussion
Two or three concise papers (10 to 15 minutes each) followed by at least 20 minutes of open exchanges and discussion. Such sessions may focus on particular rural heritage, rural landscape systems, geographic regions, or philosophical discussions of rural heritage conservation and change management.
Posters will present case study examples of rural landscape systems from different parts of the globe. The materials from these posters will be used in developing a ‘rural landscape atlas’, one component of the ISCCL Rural Landscapes Initiative (go to for more information on the Atlas and for a summary of the project see: Layout and examples will be provided for guidance in poster development.
Optional formats
Other creative or engaging formats are welcomed and may include:
- a film or video followed with discussion;
- a session bringing together organisations (Moroccan heritage NGO, a government agricultural or water management authority, or United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, etc.); or
- the use of role-play to explore the challenges and opportunities facing different sectors concerned with rural heritage and landscapes.
These sessions should be arranged to include interaction with at least 20 minutes for open exchange.
All accepted abstracts will go through a process of double-blind peer review. All accepted abstract proposals for paper presentations must provide revised edited abstracts and full papers as a condition of acceptance.
Accepted abstracts will be published in a symposium publication prior to the event in Morocco. The final abstracts, conference posters, videos and other interactive formats will be published on-line in a conference publication. Full papers will be peer reviewed after the conference, and the top four or five papers will be published in a special issue of Heritage & Society.