Once you get interested in following specific news sites or blogs (such as this one), it takes extra time and attention to remember to check in to look for new posts. RSS allows you to subscribe to the site and receive updates as soon as they are posted (which is great if you follow many sites), but this typically involves using special reader sites or software. An alternative is an RSS forwarding system that sends new posts directly to your email address. One such service is RssFwd
Emailing someone’s blog posts to yourself may not be the best option for anyone who is already struggling under mountains of incoming mail. But if you are organized, or know how to use mail filters, it can make it easier to keep track of the latest posts on your favorite blogs. This way the new entries come straight into your email box along with the rest of your incoming mail and you can reduce the number of places you need to check to keep up with the latest news and opinions.
If you are running a course blog or other blog that provides announcements to a specific group, you can encourage them to use a service such as RssFwd to get your latest announcements emailed to them automatically.
How to Use RssFwd – A Summary
First, copy the feed URL from a blog and paste it into the RssFwd dialog box. Then enter your email address and adjust the settings. RssFwd will send a confirmation email to you to make sure you made the request. Once the connection is confirmed, new blog entries will come right to your mailbox.
Every post you receive includes an “unsubscribe” link in case you change your mind.