Isabel Espinal, our colleague in the library, has put together a great list of library resources and information literacy enhancements that will be of particular interest to faculty using SPARK, blogs, and other online learning tools.
- Add a link to the library subject research guide for your discipline. If no subject guide is available, contact your subject specialist librarian to see about creating one.
- Embed library course guides – even widgets – into SPARK, blogs, and web pages.
- Make sure students do not pay for articles found on Google and other searches that are already available to them through the Libraries’ ejournal and research databases collections.
- Work with librarians to ensure students take full advantage of the high-quality resources provided to support their learning experience.
- Integrate Ask a Librarian services (IM, phone and email services) into courses.
- Link to Library Resources from inside SPARK and course websites.
- Link to E-Reserves and Streaming Video and Audio.
- Integrate RefWorks and RefShare (Citation management and sharing software) into online course components.
- Integrate Turnitin (Plagiarism prevention and detection software) into online course components.
For more information, visit