Academic Computing June Workshops


Academic Computing is offering a wide variety of workshops for instructors this June. Most of these are hands-on workshops that allow you to learn new technologies while working with content from your own course.

Check out the full schedule of workshops and register online at:

Make sure to tell your colleagues!

Topics include:

Basic Technologies for Teaching and Research
Learn how to effectively use basic tools to create and manage content. These hands-on workshops cover blogs, online reading lists in RefShare, digital images, PowerPoint, PDFs, and grade management in Excel.

Audio and Video Media Production
Create media-rich content for your courses! These hands-on workshops will show you how to capture, convert, edit and post digital audio and video files on both Mac and Windows, as well as a new workshop on Screencasting using Camtasia.

Course Sites in SPARK
SPARK provides an easy way to build a course site that is available only to the students registered for your class. In addition to posting basic course information, you can use SPARK to create interactive elements including discussions, online quizzes, and assignment drop boxes.

Convert Your WebCT CE Course to SPARK
Last chance to transfer old course content out of WebCT! Instructor access to WebCT will be shut off on July 1st.

Public Course Sites
OIT’s blog service makes it easy to post announcements and course materials on a public Web site.

Issues of Interest When Teaching with Technology
Join us for presentations from experts in the field on topics such as copyright, student privacy (FERPA), library resources, and student attitudes toward technology.

Emerging Technologies
Wikis? Google Docs? Digital storytelling? Virtual worlds? Find out about the latest tools being used for teaching and learning.


We can also hold any of our workshops specifically for your department. Call us at 545-2823 for details.

Questions? Contact the Instructional Media Lab at 545-2823 |

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