Blogs as Coursesites: Fall 2008 Course Blogs

courseblogs.jpgTried building a web site from scratch but never quite finished? Never have the time to slog through programs like Dreamweaver to update your existing site? Maybe setting up a blog is the answer.

Many instructors are finding blogs to be a friendlier alternative to building a traditional course website. The UMass Blogs service provides a space for you to construct a blog using the popular WordPress blogging system. Most people find setting up (and updating!) a blog quick and easy. This lets you focus on the important things; the content you want to put on the web, not wrangling with the tools for getting it there.

Check out the links below to see some live examples of Fall 2008 course blogs created by instructors who have attended one of Academic Computing “Getting Started with Blogs” workshops:

Anthropology 104

Astronomy 101

Communication 397SS

Journalism 392W

Judaic Studies 390i

Kinesiology 530

Physics 190E

Resources Economics 112

Want to get your own course blog up and running? Check our schedule of upcoming workshops for the next offering, or contact our Instructional Media Lab (545-2823) for a consultation.

Further Reading:

UMass Blogs Frequently Asked Questions

UMass Blogs Tutorials and Handouts

Directory of UMass Blogs

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