Blogs as Coursesites: Spring 2009

Tried building a web site from scratch but never quite finished? Never have the time to slog through programs like Dreamweaver to update your existing site? Maybe setting up a blog is the answer.

Many instructors are finding blogs to be a friendlier alternative to building a traditional course website. The UMass Blogs service provides a space for you to construct a blog using the popular WordPress blogging system. Most people find setting up (and updating!) a blog quick and easy. This lets you focus on the important things; the content you want to put on the web, not wrangling with the tools for getting it there.

Here are some example course blogs in full swing for Spring 2009:

Astronomy 101

Building Materials and Wood Technologies 204

Honors 392G

Journalism 492M

Kinesiology 535

Political Science 101

Public Health and Social Justice 690F

Interested in setting up your own course blog? It’s not too late to get one setup for the semester, check for our next scheduled workshop or contact our Instructional Media Lab (545-2823) for a one-on-one consultation.

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