Why Build Virtual Worlds?

Why build a virtual world? Philip Rosedale, founder of the popular virtual world Second Life talks about the desire to build and create, and about how virtual worlds make that possible in ways that were not previously available/plausible.

Though I certainly don’t agree with all of Rosedale’s arguments about the merits of virtual worlds, he raises some interesting points. If he’s half-right, we’ll see more and more of these types of tools in the next few years.

13 minute presentation, followed by 15 minutes Q & A:

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/lHXXsEtE3b4" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

This video is from the TED talks, check out their website for many fascinating presentations on a wide range of topics related to technology, entertainment, and design.

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