Departmental Visits Fall 2009

As a regular service, OIT’s Academic Computing staff is available to come to your department and talk to the faculty or graduate students about the teaching technologies available on campus. In particular, we think new faculty or graduate student instructors would find these sessions helpful.

Are you and your colleagues interested in learning more about teaching technologies on campus? Perhaps you’ve heard about tools like UMass Blogs, UDrive, or SPARK but are not quite sure what they are are for? Interested in sharing materials with students online but not sure what tools to use? Want to see what is happening across campus with faculty uses of podcastings and digital video? Academic Computing is available to come to your department and present on a variety of instructional technology topics:
  • Choosing the Right Technological Tools for Teaching: An overview of the many software tools instructors are using to create content as well as the computing resources and services available across campus.
  • Putting Materials Online: UDrive, SPARK or Blogs? A discussion of the different tools available for posting materials to the web.
  • Overview of Emerging Technologies: An overview of the latest tools and how they can be applied to different teaching goals. Special focus will be given to Virtual Worlds such as Second Life, Digital Storytelling, and Collaborative Editing Tools such as wikis and Google Docs.
We met with 14 departments or programs last year and hope to meet with several more this semester. Contact us to schedule a visit with colleagues from your department and discuss any of these topics! We can come to a portion of a regular faculty meeting for a brief overview or schedule a separate meeting for a more in depth discussion! Email or call 577-0072.

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