Moodle Summer Update

The campus may be quiet during July… but our planning and preparations for the Fall 2012 Moodle Pilot continue to move forward.

If you are part of our Fall 2011 Moodle pilot, make sure to check out our upcoming Moodle workshops in August. In addition to startup and conversion workshops, we have sessions on setting up student groups, Moodle’s grade book, and it’s communication tools.

Registration for the Fall Moodle Pilot closed on June 27th. There has been more demand for access to the pilot than we can currently accommodate, so we are not able to add any more new classes for the Fall. Moodle will be fully open for business in Spring 2012, so you will be able request your Spring 2012 Moodle course in mid-fall when the official Moodle Spring Request Form is available.

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