Do you use Google Reader? If so, it’s time to start thinking about finding a replacement.
Google has announced that it will retire Google Reader (along with 70 other products and services) on July 1, 2013 due to declining usage and a need to focus company resources on innovative computing solutions.
While losing a beloved piece of software or hardware that we have grown accustomed to and dependent on can be difficult, the good news is that there is no lack of replacement products and services. Social Times has published an article that reviews 10 alternatives to Google Reader that you may want to consider. Not all of these services are feed readers, so some may fit your needs, some may not (this may be the ideal time to consider whether or not you still want to use an RSS reader):
Also, according to the folks at Silicon Angle, the company behind the popular social bookmarking application Digg is reportedly developing an RSS reader that will improve on the strengths of Google Reader.
And don’t worry how you’re going to get all of your feeds from one service to another. You can export all of your Google Reader data, including your subscriptions, with Google Takeout.
UMass Amherst instructors who need help with assessing Google Reader alternatives and switching to a new RSS reader can contact the Instructional Media Lab at | 413-545-2823.
Image: lopagof. DeviantART. CC BY-SA 3.0.