April 2013 i>clicker Updates

iclicker-base-2As we come into the final weeks of the Spring 2013 semester, we would like to provide you with some important updates regarding i>clicker.

Download the New i>clicker 6.2.4 Software

We have updated to i>clicker version 6.2.4. This new version provides several improvements over the previous version, including grouping identical alphanumeric responses together in the Results Chart, better overall instructor remote performance, and increased compatibility with the Moodle grade book.

To update your i>clicker software from v6.2.3 to v6.2.4:Unknown-1

  1. Go to the folder that contains all of your i>clicker and i>grader software files.
  2. Double click on the WebUpdate.app file.
  3. Select the checkbox for the “i>clicker v6.2.4” update.
  4. Click “Download Update(s).”Unknown
  5. Select “Archive Now.”
  6. Select a location to save the Archive.
  7. When the download is complete, click “Close”.

Also remember that you can sync your Moodle class roster with i>clicker and upload clicker scores directly back to Moodle. For more information on how to add the i>clicker block to a Moodle course, see our Getting Started with i>clicker handout:


For questions or help with updating your i>clicker software to version 6.2.4, please contact the Instructional Media Lab (413-545-2823 | instruct@oit.umass.edu).

Resolving XML Exception Errors When Uploading Grades from i>Clicker to Moodle

Screen Shot 2013-04-01 at 1.51.52 PMSome instructors have reported “XML exception errors” when trying to upload grades from i>clicker to Moodle. We hope that the new i>clicker 6.2.4 software’s increased compatibility with the Moodle grade book will greatly reduce these errors, although the issue might be related to other factors. If you experience an XML exception error, please take the following steps:

  1. Ensure that you have a stable Internet connection (i.e., make sure you’re connected to a strong WiFi signal or are directly plugged-in to Ethernet).
  2. Try again a little later in the day. (There is a chance that the error could be caused by our servers.)
  3. Re-sync your roster. Click the “Sync” button in i>grader. When asked if you want to overwrite your roster, select “Yes.” (This will not cause you to lose student responses).

If the above steps don’t resolve the XML exception error, please contact the Instructional Media Lab (413-545-2823 | instruct@oit.umass.edu) for assistance.


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