Ready for Fall 2013? Need a Time Machine?

Matt Phillips-FlickrIt’s that time of year again- the last few days in the week before the start of fall classes.

As the work piles up all around you, do you wish you had a time machine to reclaim some of those lazy summer days?

Well, sorry, time machines aren’t real and there’s no app for that!

However, @nmhouston has published an article on ProfHacker that may help you make up for lost time and get a jump on the impending start of the school year:

Time Travel to Plan Your Semester

In four steps, you can travel back in time and get a jump on the impending start of the school year:

1. Clear your mind.
2. Travel to the utopian future.
3. Travel to the past.
4. Conscious planning.

Check out the complete article and fix the future before it arrives!

Image: Matt Phillips, Flickr.


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