Need help with grading in Moodle?
Grades need to be approved in SPIRE just before midnight on Tuesday, May 12.
If you would like to meet with a Moodle Gradebook expert to review your gradebook before the end of the semester please contact the Instructional Media Lab at 413-545-2823, or
Final grades from the Moodle gradebook can be imported into your SPIRE grade roster any time during the grade-entry period. For details see:
New Versions of Turnitin & Wiki Activities (May 7)
- Turnitin Assignments:
Turnitin has released Turnitin2, which offers major usability improvements to the interface. For example, you can set due dates from within Moodle and easily re-use rubrics with the new Rubric Manager. Also new, PeerMark lets you assign students to peer-review submissions.
As of Thursday, May 7, only Turnitin2 will be available for adding new activities to courses.
- Wiki Activity:
Last semester we added a new more robust and easier-to-use version of the Moodle Wiki activity. Since then you’ve had the option to use both the new Wiki (enhanced) and Wiki (legacy)
As of Thursday, May 7, only Wiki (enhanced) will be available for adding new activities to courses.
- Previous Semester’s Wiki & Turnitin Activities Still Available:
If you have a student working on an Incomplete, or if you need to review grades or submissions from a previous semester’s Wiki or Turnitin activity, Turnitin (1) and Wiki (legacy) in those courses activities will still be available.
- In Summer and Fall 2015 courses, please replace “old” Wiki and Turnitin activities:
If you requested a Summer or Fall course before May 7, 2015, and added Wiki (Legacy) or Turnitin (1) activities, or used the Import tool to duplicate a course from a previous semester, we recommend you replace these activities with the new versions.
What’s Coming in Moodle 2.8?
In July we will upgrade from Moodle 2.5 (our current version) to the latest version, Moodle 2.8.
We still have a few seats available in our Moodle 2.8 preview sessions on Tuesday, May 5 and Wednesday, May 6. IT Faculty Support Staff will demonstrate new features, and answer questions.
Can’t make it to a Preview Session? See our Moodle 2.8 Highlights.
As always, don’t hesitate to contact the Instructional Media Lab with your questions about Moodle:
413-545-2823, or