Need help with grading in Moodle?
Grades need to be approved in SPIRE just before midnight on Tuesday, May 10th.
If you would like to meet with a Moodle Gradebook expert to review your gradebook before the end of the semester please contact the Instructional Media Lab at 413-545-2823, or
Final grades from the Moodle gradebook can be imported into your SPIRE grade roster any time during the grade-entry period. For details see:
Turnitin (Legacy) & Wiki (Legacy) Activities Will No Longer Import from Previous Semesters
In April 2015 new versions of the Moodle Turnitin and Wiki activities were added to Moodle at UMass Amherst. Over the past year, while we phased out the old versions, instructors could not add the discontinued Turnitin (legacy) or Wiki (legacy) activities to Moodle courses, however, it was possible to import legacy activities when reusing a course from a previous semester.
Starting with Summer and Fall 2016 courses, Turnitin (legacy) and Wiki (legacy) activities will no longer copy forward when instructors import a course from a previous semester.
If you used Turnitin or Wikis in a course you are importing from a previous semester, check to make sure the activities are present. Missing Turnitin and Wiki activities will need to be recreated using the versions currently available in the Moodle Activity chooser..
What’s Coming in Moodle 3.0?
In early July, 2016, between Summer Sessions, Moodle at UMass Amherst will be upgraded to version 3.0. During the upgrade window, Moodle will be unavailable — announcements regarding downtime to follow.
Overall, this upgrade will not result in significant changes to the user interface or loss of functionality. Most of the changes will be “behind the scenes” to improve performance and backend efficiency. To find out about new features see our Moodle 3.0 Highlights.
April Moodle Updates
Feature development is on hold while our Moodle team prepares for the upgrade to Moodle 3.0. Only bugs with no workarounds, and security updates are being added to Moodle between now and July.
- Moodle course request for Summer and Fall 2016 opened on April 4.
- Discontinued versions of Turnitin (legacy) and Wiki (legacy) activities are no longer available (see above).
Help and Resources for Instructors
To learn more about Moodle or to get help with instructional technologies, you can:
- Review our support documentation at:
- Contact the Instructional Media Lab ( | 413-545-2823) with a question, or to set up a time for a one-on-one consultation.