Help with Grading
Grades must be approved in SPIRE before noon on Tuesday, January 2nd.
We are pleased to announce that the Instructional Media Lab will be open when the University is open.
- Tuesday, December 26th and Wednesday, December 27th.
- Tuesday, January 2nd.
Due to the limited open days between the end of the finals period and the due date for grades, we recommend that you make appointments now if you would like help checking your Moodle gradebook. If you need an appointment with one of our wonderful consultants, please make arrangements soon ( | 413-545-2823)
For online help, useful articles include:
- Preparing your Final Course Grades in Moodle
- Import Opscan Results
- Import Grades from Moodle or Blackboard Learn to SPIRE
(All Gradebook articles are listed on the Overview of the Moodle Gradebook)
Important Final Grade Display Settings
To ensure your students don’t see rounded scores for their final grades in your courses, we recommend setting Course Totals to display five decimal places. (Note: The default in the Final Grade column was set to 5 places in courses created after Spring 2016.)
For step-by-step instructions, please see Preparing your Final Course Grades in Moodle.
Moodle Course Request Open for Winter/Spring 2018
Moodle course request for Winter term and Spring 2018 is open in SPIRE.
Here are reminders on how to Request a Moodle Course in SPIRE, and how to Reuse a Moodle Course Using Import to copy a previous course into your new empty course.
February Removal of Old Moodle Courses
Access to Moodle Courses ends 18 months after the end of the semester taught to make room in Moodle for new courses. In February 2018, access to courses taught up to and including Spring 2016 will be removed from Moodle.
In preparation, please backup any course content you do not wish to lose, including course materials, grades and student submissions. See Back Up a Moodle Course.
Help and Resources for Instructors
To learn more about Moodle or to get help with instructional technologies, you can:
- Review our Moodle documentation in the IT Support Center.
- Contact the Instructional Media Lab ( | 413-545-2823) with a question, or to set up a time for a one-on-one consultation.