Wrapping up your Fall 2022 semester

Lightbulb in a thought cloud on a chalkboard

At the end of each semester, we recommend instructors take steps to preserve their course contents from the Learning Management System (Moodle or Blackboard), and archive student work and grades.

Download any Zoom recordings

Zoom recordings are only kept within the system for 120 days after they were made. To keep them longer, you’ll need to download each recording and save them locally, or store them in an online file storage platform like your UMass OneDrive or Google Drive account. 

Back up student work and grades

Keeping records of student work and grades can include downloading the gradebook, downloading paper submissions, forum contributions, and more depending on what you had students do within the LMS. 

Back up your course materials in Moodle

As the semester goes along, you may have added files and other resources to your course. Because Moodle courses are only available for 18 months after the semester which they were taught, we recommend downloading those files and maintaining them in case you need them in the future. 

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