In Fall of 2022, the IDEAS team conducted a needs assessment with the goal of better understanding instructor needs and preferences related to technology training at UMass Amherst. One aspect of the needs assessment was a survey for instructors and teaching assistants, which was included in the IDEAS newsletter in November and December of 2022.
The IDEAS team will use the results from this survey to create more useful and engaging training and resources.
View a summary of the survey results here.
About the Participants
A total of 151 participants responded to the survey, 90% of which were instructors. The remaining 10% of survey participants were teaching assistants, course designers, and a department head. When asked to select all of the modes they are currently using in their courses, 88% reported that they teach in-person, 31% teach hybrid/blended classes, and 28% teach fully online classes.
Key Takeaways:
The following themes emerged in the survey responses: