January 2010 Technology Workshops






This January, Academic Computing is offering workshops for faculty on basic technologies for teaching and research, audio & video production, and building course websites with SPARK. Many are hands-on sessions where you can learn new technologies while working with content from your own courses.

For the workshop schedule, descriptions, and online registration, visit:


Workshop topics include:

Course Sites in SPARK

SPARK provides an easy way to build a course site that is available only to the students registered for your class. In addition to posting basic course information, we offer sessions on SPARK’s tools for discussions, online quizzes, and customizing the design of your course.

Audio and Video Media Production

Learn how to convert, edit and post digital audio and video on both Mac and Windows. Check out our new workshop on the basics of shooting video, or learn how to convert your PowerPoint lecture into a video in our screencasting workshop.

Personal Response Systems (PRS)

PRS (aka “Clickers”) is a new technology for engaging students, especially in large classes. These workshops will help you manage the technology and work with the data it collects from your students. Learn how to get started with using PRS as well as how to manage student data and expectations.

Library Resources and Information Literacy

Tired of students referencing Wikipedia articles, blog posts and anonymous, dead-wrong Web sites? Learn about the array of credible online resources available through the library. You can also learn how to organize your own citations and bibliographies using RefWorks, the UMass Library’s online citation management tool.

We can also present any of our workshops specifically for your department. Call us at 545-2823 for details.

Questions? Contact the Instructional Media Lab at 545-2823 | instruct@oit.umass.edu.

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