Round Table Discussion: Writing with Technology in the General Education Classroom

Please join the 2009-2010 Gen Ed Fellows on Tuesday, April 27th from 2:30pm to 4:30pm for a round-table discussion on Writing with Technology in the General Education Classroom.

Two of our 2009-2010 General Education Fellows will present what they have learned from their year-long fellowship and highlight key accomplishments in integrating writing assignments into their courses. Participants will then select one of four concurrent Writing with Technology round-tables. These round-tables, facilitated by current General Education Fellows from across schools and disciplines, will allow faculty to exchange lessons learned and concrete strategies for improving writing in the general education experience through instructional technology.

Challenges and Opportunities: Writing in Gen Ed courses

* Why do students need to write in Gen Ed courses?
    Lynnette Sievert, Anthropology

* Wikis for group work
    Ken Kitchell, Classics

Writing with Technology Roundtables

* Managing student writing in large lectures with SPARK
    Wilmore Webley, Microbiology
    John Burand, Plant, Soil and Insect Sciences
    Chris Couch, Comparative Literatures

* Responding to student writing and rubric development 
    Anne Herrington, English 
    Brenda Bushouse, Political Science
    Lynnette Sievert, Anthropology

* Collaboration in writing using Blog and Wikis
    John Kingston, Linguistics
    Ken Kitchell, Classics                        

* Lecture capturing  with Camtasia 
    Todd Crosset, Sport Management

This Round-table is sponsored by the Center for Teaching and the Provost’s Office.  Refreshments will be served. To register, please call 545-1225 or email us at by April 22nd, 2010.

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