PROBLEM: WebDAV on Windows 7 does not connect with SPARK.
WORKAROUND: If you are on Windows 7, use as a third-party client to connect with SPARK. We have instructions below.
BACKGROUND: WebDAV is an internet standard for collaborative authoring and sharing of files on the Web. When used with SPARK, WebDAV creates a folder on your computer that allows you to move files between your computer and your SPARK folder by copy/pasting or drag-and-dropping them. This can make it easier to import and export files between your computer and SPARK.
Most operating systems have a built-in WebDAV client. On Windows 7, however, the built-in WebDAV client does not connect well with SPARK. As a workaround, we recommend using a third-party WebDAV client only on Windows 7. We have tested a free client called AnyClient. The following instructions work using AnyClient’s free web interface
This is what you need to do:
1. Locate the WebDAV URL for your SPARK site, then visit to use the web interface. (Optionally, you can also download and install a free applet from on your computer. The interface is exactly the same as that on the website. Steps 2 and 3 below still apply.)
2. Set up to connect to your SPARK WebDAV URL.
3. Transfer files/folders using’s web interface.
See below for step-by-step instructions:
STEP 1 of 3: Locate the WebDAV URL for your SPARK site and visit
You will need to locate and copy your WebDAV URL information from SPARK in order to set up your WebDAV folder. The URL is different for each of your SPARK courses.
- Log in to SPARK. The My Blackboard Screen will open.
- Click the course you want to connect to. The page for that specific course will open.
- Click the Build tab (top left).
- On the Build page, under the Designer Tools group (at left), click File Manager button (you may have to scroll down to see it):
- On the File Manager screen, click the ActionLinks button (the drop-down button) next to the File Manager heading and select View WebDAV Info. The WebDAV Info window will open.
- The WebDAV Info window shows you the WebDAV URL for your course, next to Folder Path. Select all the text in the folder path field (including all the numbers after webdav/), and copy the link to your clipboard (Ctrl-C on Windows).
- Visit and click the Applet tab (at top).
- Wait for the applet to load. If prompted, click OK to give the applet permission to run on your computer.
STEP 2 of 3: Set up to connect to your SPARK course’s WebDAV URL
1. Click the Connect button. A configuration screen that will allow you to connect to your SPARK WebDAV URL will open.
2. On the configuration screen:
Click Connect to finish the process. Optionally, if you click on Save, these settings will be saved to your computer so that you can easily connect to your SPARK course next time without having to enter this information again. (Note: However, make sure you only do this if you are NOT using a shared computer.)
STEP 3 of 3: Use the interface to transfer files/folders
Here is an overview:
To move files or folders back and forth, use the << and >> buttons.
If you have any questions about this process, please contact the Instructional Media Lab at 545-2823, or email