EDUCAUSE defines massively open online courses (MOOCs) as a model for delivering learning content online to virtually any person—with no limit on attendance—who wants to take the course. MOOCs are offered on a wide range of subjects, including physics, journalism, and zombies.
Yes, that’s NOT a typo!
In October of 2013, a group of faculty at UC Irvine will be offering Society, Science, Survival: Lessons from AMC’s “The Walking Dead,” an 8-week MOOC based on the popular comic book and television show The Walking Dead. This MOOC will use the post-apocalyptic, zombie-filled world of The Walking Dead as a lens to critically examine topics such as mathematics, leadership, social organization, and nutrition.
To read more about this interesting application of the MOOC platform (or to learn how to enroll in the course), check out the article over on UC Irvine News:
Interested in learning more about MOOCS? Check out these EDUCAUSE articles:
Image Credit: Sad Sick M!ke, Flickr.