In mid-January 2017, Turnitin in Moodle at UMass Amherst will get a new look and feel.
Basic functionality will remain the same, and the Submission inbox will remain the same, but once instructors open a submission they’ll see a new, more compact interface for grading, providing feedback, and viewing originality reports.
Dubbed “Turnitin Feedback Studio,” the new interface affords:
- Mobile-friendly, responsive design that fits on screens from phones to desktops.
- Touch sensitivity, great for working on a tablet or touchscreen.
- Accessible design allows all learners to easily and fully navigate within Turnitin.
Try out an interactive demo on the Turnitin site:
What’s different?
All navigation and interaction for grading and assessing similarity is contained in the panel at right:
- Blue icons for comments and rubrics.
- Red icons for originality reports.
When grading with rubrics, you’ll see a slider interface instead of buttons for entering ratings. As you slide through the numbers, criterion descriptions appear below the slider panel.
If you liked the old interface better, no problem! Just click “Return to Turnitin Classic” (at bottom right).
What’s new?
When viewing a submission, the black tab at top left pops out page thumbnails. Click a thumbnail to jump from page to page. Click the lock icon to keep the thumbnail navigation open while you award grades or enter feedback.