Author: mbarthel

What About the Murky Waters of Copyright?

We all have questions about copyright, what is fair use and what may be in the public domain. Students may be on heightened alert about copyright when preparing presentations and final papers.  However, copyright considerations are equally as critical when putting together promotional materials for club events or updating a social media site. Consider including…

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In The News…..

“Taking Notes by Hand Benefits Recall, Researchers Find” by Dana Perez-Hernandez, Wired Campus Why this matters: Laptops can be a distraction in the classroom, but some students insist on the devices for note taking. While tech can facilitate speedy lecture transcription for fast typists, a pencil and paper may actually provide stronger learning outcomes according…

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Let Students “Drive” in the Classroom

Suzanne Surina Baur, a Technology Resource Teacher from Southeastern Cooperative Educational Program in Norfolk, Virginia, suggests ways to have students drive their learning in class.  She notes that being lectured to or talked at makes it hard for students to be engage with the material and take ownership of their learning. Read her suggestions at…

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Innovative Technology

This week, we would like to share a few interesting technology products that may not necessarily have a direct impact on teaching and learning. However, they could spark conversations and potentially ideas that indirectly influence teaching. Besides, some of these innovations are really cool.  You need to hear about them if you have not already.

Using Social Media to Engage Students and Foster Learning

Can Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram and the likes support learning?  They most certainly can.  Social media engages students with you, their classmates, current affairs and online resources.  Below are a few links to resources with suggestions for using social media in any classroom setting. Guide to Social Media in the Classroom That’s Pinteresting! How educators…

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New Media Consortium Report > 2014 Higher Education Edition

The Horizon Report The 2014 Report identifies emerging technologies that will influence teaching and learning over the next 1-to-5 years.  Among the key trends encouraging an immediate adoption of technology are the Pervasive use of social media Increased offering of fully online, hybrid and collaborative learning models Acceptance of data-driven learning and assessment Emphasis on…

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