Category: Announcements

A Librarian Near You!

In addition to help in the libraries, you can now visit a librarian for research and reference assistance at a variety of locations across campus. Drop by to chat with your librarian and encourage your students to make use of library services for doing any research project!

January Workshops at Academic Computing

This January, Academic Computing is offering workshops for instructors on basic technologies for teaching and research, audio & video production, SPARK, emerging technologies, and copyright. Many are hands-on sessions where you can learn new technologies while working with content from your own courses. For the workshop schedule, descriptions, and online registration, visit:

Personal Response System (“Clickers”) Seminar for Instructors – Nov 25

For those of you who are curious about or considering using PRS in your classes, the Center for Teaching, OIT Academic Computing, and the Provost’s Office are co-hosting an event on November 25 for instructors who want to learn more. Details below. PRS, or Personal Response System, is a tool that many professors at UMass…

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Upcoming SPARK Grade Book Workshops

If you use the SPARK Grade Book to manage your students’ grades, consider attending one of Academic Computing’s upcoming Grade Book Management workshops. These 50-minute sessions will focus specifically on calculating final grades and preparing for SPARK to SPIRE Grade Upload. Bring your assignment weights or grading scheme, and leave with columns ready to do…

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