Category: Audience Response Systems

Check for iClicker Software Updates

Check if your i>clicker software is current: If you’re using i>clicker 7 software, please run the “Check for Update” feature to download the most recent version of i>clicker 7. Staying current with the latest i>clicker release helps your classes run smoothly. The newest available release is version 7.10. This is an optional update, however, updating to this version…

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Getting the Most Out of Peer Instruction (with Clickers!)

Looking for a detailed guide to provoking rich, focused discussions among students in your courses, even large ones? Peter Newbury of UC San Diego has a great set of procedures and recommendations for how to use audience response tools like i>clicker to do just that. “Peer instruction is a powerful, evidence-based instructional strategy that supports…

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It’s Time to Upgrade to iClicker 7

We’re happy to announce that UMass Amherst i>clicker 7 software package is now available for download. This latest release integrates i>grader into i>clicker app as a Gradebook feature and provides better ease of use, improved stability and access to new and improved polling features. Downloading and using i>clicker 7 Please visit IT Support Center’s i>clicker Support…

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i>clicker Software v6.4.1 (and earlier)- Update Required

The i>clicker audience response system is a polling system that uses a handheld remote (clicker) to collect student responses to questions posed by the instructor. Student data is recorded and then displayed on a results graph via software on the instructor’s computer. i>clicker software versions 6.4.1 and earlier utilize a security communication protocol that could…

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Mobile Devices and Classroom Polling at UMass Amherst- Fall 2013 Update

Instructors and students are interested in using mobile devices, such as phones, laptops, and tablets, as “clicker remotes” to respond to classroom polling. This would allow students to participate in clicker-based activities without requiring them to purchase and maintain a separate handheld remote. In Fall 2012 and Spring 2013, OIT ran a limited ran pilot…

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October 17, 2013, Faculty Forum: Responsive Teaching

On Thursday, October 17 from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., please join fellow instructors Curt Griffin (Environmental Conservation), Ray la Raja (Political Science), and Ludmila Tyler (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology) in a moderated discussion about responsive teaching. Our discussion will encompass a variety of approaches for using student feedback and student work to actively modify…

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Fall 2013 i>clicker Updates

To use i>clicker with Moodle and OIT’s new “Web Login” single sign-on service (see below), you will need to download and install our updated version of the i>clicker software (v6.3.0) from: Note: On September 25, 2013, i>clicker issued an update for v6.3.0. To apply the update: Download and install i>clicker. open the i>clicker software…

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