Category: Audio & Video

Faculty Spotlight: Capturing Video in the Classroom

The tools for capturing video keep getting cheaper and cheaper. The Flip video camera is a new cell phone sized device that allows you to capture up to an hour of decent-quality digital video. The camera can then be directly plugged into a computer for uploading and editing video clips. The are several models of Flip cameras…

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Faculty Spotlight: Tom Schiff on Digital Storytelling

Aline Gubrium and Tom Schiff were two of the first people we know to use Digital Storytelling at UMass. A rather long time ago we had a chance to sit down and chat with Tom Schiff about his experience using Digital Storytelling in his teaching, here is the recording of our conversation. Our apologies to Tom…

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An Anthropological Introduction to YouTube

Kansas State Univeristy’s Michael Wesch present a fascinating overview of some of the history, trends, and themes observed as part of his ethnography of YouTube. [kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /] At 55 minutes this is  somewhat of a commitment to watch, you might want to wet your appetite  by checking out two short videos…

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A Journey in Digital Storytelling

This past weekend Tony and I immersed ourselves in the incredibly transformative process of digital storytelling. We rode the Amtrak down to Philadelphia, PA and stepped into a group of 8 other folks with diverse backgrounds and intentions for developing a particular style of communication. The 3-day hands-on tutorial, presented by the Center for Digital…

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