Category: Tools & Technologies

Set Up Appointment Slots for Students in Your Apps at UMass Amherst Calendar

Your Calendar in Apps at UMass Amherst lets you create “appointment slots” that you can use in a number of ways in your teaching. For example, you can allow students to sign up for office hours, classroom presentations, or leading weekly discussions, etc.  You can create a single appointment, or repeating time slots. (Note: The…

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Fall 2013 i>clicker Updates

To use i>clicker with Moodle and OIT’s new “Web Login” single sign-on service (see below), you will need to download and install our updated version of the i>clicker software (v6.3.0) from: Note: On September 25, 2013, i>clicker issued an update for v6.3.0. To apply the update: Download and install i>clicker. open the i>clicker software…

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Do you have experience with or interest in teaching with Google Apps for Fall 2013? Join us for lunch!

On August 15, 2013, please join us at 12:00 p.m. for lunch and a discussion of Google Apps and online collaboration for course work. This lunch will be the first in an ongoing series of Community of Practice meetings. The goal is to bring together faculty and instructors who have past experience using and/or an…

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Has Disruption of the Higher Education Textbook Market Begun?

Dr. Cable Green, Director of Global Learning at Creative Commons, believes that the billion-dollar higher education textbook market is poised for a major disruption (check out the link to his talk- it’s fantastic). The Chronicle of Higher Education has published an article detailing financial trouble and changing market demand for a major print textbook publisher:…

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Online Writing Services & Academic Dishonesty: A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing

I found the info-graphic below, “how students use the Internet for studying” posted on the education information resource site Edudemic. It was produced by a company called At first glance, the image seems to be a helpful informational communication about student internet studying trends, right? Look closer…

New Ways to Think About Prezi

Prezi is a popular presentation alternative to PowerPoint that allows users to create dynamic, visually interesting conversations on a virtual “whiteboard.”  Kimon Keramidas, Assistant Professor and Director for the Digital Media Lab at the Bard Graduate Center, has published an interesting article on ProfHacker about using Prezi for creative visual compositions. Check out the article over…

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