Category: Technology Trends

Fall 2022 Needs Assessment: Summary of Survey Results

Needs Assessment Preview

In Fall of 2022, the IDEAS team conducted a needs assessment with the goal of better understanding instructor needs and preferences related to technology training at UMass Amherst. One aspect of the needs assessment was a survey for instructors and teaching assistants, which was included in the IDEAS newsletter in November and December of 2022.

Join us! EDUCAUSE ELI Virtual Annual Meeting

On February 9 — 11, you are invited to join members of the IT group at ELI Virtual Annual Meeting 2015. This conference is arranged by EDUCAUSE, a nonprofit association whose mission is to advance higher education by promoting the intelligent use of information technology. We’ll be projecting the virtual meeting sessions in our 40-seat conference room in…

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UMass Instructors- Join us for the EDUCAUSE Online Virtual Conference

Can’t get to Florida? Join us in Lederle Graduate Research Center where we’ll be projecting the EDUCAUSE online Virtual Conference in our 40-seat conference room. When: Monday, September 29 (12-4 p.m.) and Tuesday, September 30th through Thursday, October 2nd, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Where: LGRC A215. For program and session details, visit This…

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UMass Amherst Offering iPeer Peer Evaluation Software for Fall 2014

For Fall 2014, UMass Amherst is offering iPeer, a web-based tool that allows students to evaluate their peers as part of team-based work assignments. About iPeer Peer evaluation is particularly useful in courses where teams or groups are utilized for collaborative work. iPeer provides a number of different peer evaluation tools, including: Simple: students evaluate…

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Understanding This Year’s Incoming Students – Beyond the Beloit Mindset List

Beloit has published their Class of 2018 “Mindset List” to help inform instructors about the cultural references that will (or will not) make sense to the incoming class of students. While this list can be amusing, and may offer some useful information on what obscure sitcom lines may no longer make sense to 18-year-olds, it is…

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In The News…..

“Taking Notes by Hand Benefits Recall, Researchers Find” by Dana Perez-Hernandez, Wired Campus Why this matters: Laptops can be a distraction in the classroom, but some students insist on the devices for note taking. While tech can facilitate speedy lecture transcription for fast typists, a pencil and paper may actually provide stronger learning outcomes according…

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Let Students “Drive” in the Classroom

Suzanne Surina Baur, a Technology Resource Teacher from Southeastern Cooperative Educational Program in Norfolk, Virginia, suggests ways to have students drive their learning in class.  She notes that being lectured to or talked at makes it hard for students to be engage with the material and take ownership of their learning. Read her suggestions at…

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Innovative Technology

This week, we would like to share a few interesting technology products that may not necessarily have a direct impact on teaching and learning. However, they could spark conversations and potentially ideas that indirectly influence teaching. Besides, some of these innovations are really cool.  You need to hear about them if you have not already.

Using Social Media to Engage Students and Foster Learning

Can Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram and the likes support learning?  They most certainly can.  Social media engages students with you, their classmates, current affairs and online resources.  Below are a few links to resources with suggestions for using social media in any classroom setting. Guide to Social Media in the Classroom That’s Pinteresting! How educators…

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