The innovation marketplace is a place to pitch an idea for a collaboration to obtain a Neuroengineering seed grant.
The goal is to find new avenues of collaboration between neuroscientists and engineers.
Faculty are invited to submit a pitch by filling out an online form. The pitch is simply a short explanation of a problem that they have identified that could be solved with collaboration. For example, a neuroscientist may have identified the need for a new tool. Or an engineer may have designed a tool and is interested in finding new uses for it. Similarly, this could extend to analytic methods or devices.
Twelve faculty members will be invited to present their pitch at a forum to be scheduled later. Pitches will be advertised on the website and by e-mail. Faculty who have been chosen to pitch their ideas will be given 5 minutes to make a presentation. The audience at the forum will vote at the end of the presentations for three ideas to pursue. The winning faculty member will be awarded a $1000 microgrant to start the collaboration and a workshop will be organized to help brainstorm the idea. The outcome will be a presentation at a Faculty Forum followed by an invitation to submit a Neuroengineering Seed Grant.
For more information, contact Paul Katz.