Katz lab members in Woods Hole.
A beautiful summer in New England is quickly drawing to a close. For me, it was a time to take my lab to Woods Hole to visit the MBL. Now as we start to think of fall, some of our new Neuroscience and Behavior graduate students are already here and working in labs through the new OnRamp program initiated through the Interdepartmental Graduate Programs. This gives new students the opportunity to ease into the rigors of graduate school before classes start. Students have been meeting other students, taking training classes and going to summer seminars. Speaking of summer seminars, our final three Neuroscience Summer Seminars are this month: Aug 7th – Kirby Deater-Deckard, Aug 14th – Sarah Pallas, and Aug 21st – Mariana Pereira. The series has been well-attended and a chance to really increase our familiarity with the research being performed on campus. The end of August also features the first All NSB retreat. This event previously was for students-only, but now is opened up for faculty, post-docs, and students. It will have brain-storming sessions and fun events like A Minute of Science. The end of August is also the end of my tenure as NSB Graduate Program Leader. This will give me more time to devote to Campus-wide neuroscience initiatives. We are already planning the Interdisciplinary Neurosciences Conference for the end of spring 2020. Stay tuned for that.