Neurosciences Distinguished Lecture Series

The UMass Neurosciences Distinguished Lecture Series hosts the highest profile speakers within neurosciences that represent the largest breadth of the field.

Unless indicated, seminars are held Wednesdays at 4pm as part of the Neuroscience and Behavior Seminar Series.

The lineup for the 2020/2021 academic year is:

Sept 16
Paul Sajda
Columbia University
Title: “Simultaneous EEG-fMRI for Inferring Brain Dynamics”
Host: Youngbin Kwak, Psychological & Brain Sciences


Oct 7
Martha Gillette
University of Illinois
Title: TBA
Host: Ilia Karatsoreos, Psychological & Brain Sciences


Oct 19 (Monday) – in collaboration with the College of Natural Sciences Distinguished Scientist and Engineer Series
and the UMass Fine Arts Center

Erich Jarvis
The Rockefeller University
10am: Surviving and thriving as an under-represented minority scientist in a majority environment
4pm:Evolution of brain pathways for vocal learning and speech
Host: Paul Katz, Biology
Register for 10am and 4pm talks here.

7pm: A unique interdisciplinary event in collaboration with the Fine Arts Center:Bodies at Risk
More information and registration here.


Nov 4
Ann McKee
Boston University
Title: TBA
Host: Amanda Woerman, Biology


Dec 12
Mriganka Sur
Title: TBA
Co-host: Jonathan Woodson, PBS and Paul Katz, Biology


Feb 10
Larry Abbott
Columbia University
Title: TBA
Host: Paul Katz, Biology


Mar 10
Catherine Dulac
Harvard University
Title: TBA
Host: Joseph Bergan, Psychological & Brain Sciences


Apr 28
Lynn Nadel
University of Arizona
Title: TBA
Host: Rosie Cowell, Psychological & Brain Sciences


May 12
Amy Arnsten
Yale University
Title: TBA
Co-host: Ellen Rodberg / Elena Vazey, Biology
