Events / Remote NSB Seminar – Paul Katz

Remote NSB Seminar – Paul Katz

April 8, 2020
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

April 8, 2020
Link for registration can be found here:
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Paul Katz
Professor, UMass Amherst
Katz Lab

“The 3 Fs of neural circuitry underlying behavior in nudibranchs: Form, function, and phylogeny”

Nudibranchs have deceptively simple brains. The neural basis of simple behaviors can be determined with cellular and synaptic precision because individual neurons can be identified from animal to animal and across species. Homologous neurons can differ in function. In fact, homologous behaviors can differ in neural mechanism. Recent connectomics work, however, suggests that the nudibranch brain might have similarities to that of the largest, most complex invertebrate brain, the octopus.