September 18, 2019, 4:00 p.m.
Morrill 2, Room 222
Larry Young
William P. Timmie Professor
Department of Psychiatry, Emory University
Young Lab
“The Neurobiology of Social Bonding, Empathy and Social Loss: Implications for Autism”
Dr. Young conducts research on the neurobiological bases of complex social behavior and social cognition. He is interested in understanding the neural circuitry and genetics underlying social information processing and the formation of social bonds. He is also interested in understanding the biological bases for diversity and the evolution of social behaviors. Much of his research examines the mechanisms underlying pair bond formation in monogamous prairie voles, and has highlighted the roles of oxytocin and vasopressin in regulating social behavior. This work has important implications for psychiatric disorders characterized by disruption in social cognition, including autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia. Dr. Young’s lab is now using this basic understanding of social cognition to identify novel drugs to treat social deficits in psychiatric disorders.