Fulbright Program

Fulbright Chair of Brazilian Studies at the Center for Latin American, Caribbean and Latino Studies

CLACLS Faculty and Students in Dr. Luciane Corrêa Ferreira´s talk at UMass

Every academic year since 2016, the Center for Latin American, Caribbean and Latino Studies hosts the Fulbright Chair of Brazilian Studies at UMass-Amherst. It is a professorship that “recognizes senior faculty and researchers who have established a record of teaching and exhibit the potential to make significant contributions to the body of research in Brazilian Studies” (Fulbright Brazil). The Fulbright Chair of Brazilian Studies strengthens the cooperation between Brazilian institutions and UMass Amherst to promote research, training, and public engagement on the histories, cultures, and politics of Brazil and the U.S. The visiting scholars are affiliated with the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. Their areas of research are typically: Race Relations, Women’s and Gender Studies, Social Movements, Social Policy, Political Sociology, History, Cultural Studies, and/ or Communication.

Dr. Luciane Corrêa Ferreira, Associate Professor, Portuguese as a Foreign Language & Applied Linguistics, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Dr. Luciane Corrêa Ferreira

During the Spring 2023 Semester Prof. Luciane Corrêa Ferreira will be lecturing on contemporary Brazilian issues, such as Brazilian culture, urban violence, immigration and refugees, the COVID crisis in Brazil, and climate change from a crosslinguistic perspective. During her time with CLACLS,  she will also work on her current projects on the metaphorical representation of immigration and refugees in the Brazilian online media, and on the access of immigrants and refugees to higher education in Brazil (See Ferreira & Melo, 2023; Ferreira & Flister, 2019; Ferreira et al, 2019; Ferreira, Flister, Morosini, 2017). You can check out her publications on Google scholar.

Dr. Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho, Associate Professor of History at the Universidade Federal de Goiás

Feminist, mother of two children, writer, poet, belly dancer professor, tree planter, researcher and university professor. Full Professor of the Post-Graduate Program in History at UFG and Associate Professor at the History College of the Federal University of Goiás; Coordinator of the Gender Studies and Research Group of the History College (GEPEG/FH/UFG-CNPq); Coordinator of the Women Scientists and Plural Maternities Workgroup (FH/UFG-CNPq); Coordinator of the regional Gender Workgroup of ANPUH-Goiás Section; Member of the board of the Professional Association of History – Goiás/Brazil; Member of the Society for the Study of the Eighteenth Century; Member of APPERJ (Professional Association of Poets of the State of Rio de Janeiro) and Writer of the column “Crônicas de Mãe” for the magazine Cláudia Online.

Dr. Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho

PhD in Political History (UERJ); Master in History (UERJ); Specialist in Psychopedagogy (UCAM), Bachelor and Licentiate in History (UERJ), held her first post-doctoral in Anthropology at PPGAS/UNB with a FAPEG-CAPES scholarship (2015/2017) and is currently doing part of her second post-doctoral in History at PPGH/UFES (2020/2021). She was on maternity license in 2011 and 2017/2018.

Author of several academic articles, book chapters, books of poems, a children’s book, and participation in collections of poems and short stories.  Among her published works, the following stand out (all still in Portuguese, for now,  except for the children’s book that has an english version): Educated Girl, Civilized Woman, Happy Wife: Gender Relations and History in José de Alencar (19th century), EDUSC, (2012); Every Girl Can Be a Woman, Oficina Editora (2008); Delusions and Delights of a Girl-Woman, Oficina Editora, (2014); Amar é o verbo que rima com Paz”, Metanóia, 2015 (Honorable mention award “Educating with respect to sexual diversity” by IBDSEX in 2017); History of Women and Gender Relations in the Midwest: trajectories and challenges (eds.), Life Publishing, (2020); Plural Maternities: the different stories, adventures and oceans of scientist mothers in the pandemic (eds.), Bindi Publishing, (2021). Email: anacarolinaufg@gmail.com

Dr. Marlise Miriam de Matos Almeida, Associate Professor of Political Science at the Federal University of Minas Gerais 

Dr. Matos Almeida’s interdisciplinary research extends to political science, gender relations, political theory, governance and human rights. She teaches courses in gender, politics and policies, sociology, feminism, participation and representation.

Fall 2019, Brazilian Fulbright Chair Dr. Matos de Almeida during a presentation

During her visit to UMass in the fall semester of 2020, Dr. Matos taught a comparative course on gender, human rights, and public policies in Brazil and the United States in the Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies department. CLACLS sponsored Dr. Matos’ main research lecture: “Anti-Gender Politics and Violence Against Women In Politics: The Case of The Latin American President Bachelet, Rousseff and Kirchner”. As part of her activities in UMass, Dr. Matos was invited to present her work in different classes and gave a number of on-campus presentations of her research for faculty and students.