Jarosz, Gaja. 2014. Serial Markedness Reduction. Proceedings of 2013 Annual Meetings on Phonology 1(1), Amherst, MA.
This paper contributes to the growing body of work on HS and the ongoing debate about constraint- based approaches to opacity by proposing a mechanism that enables the modeling of both counterfeeding and counterbleeding interactions in HS proper. The new proposal, Serial Markedness Reduction (SMR), introduces a new family of constraints inspired by, but crucially different from, OT-CC’s PREC constraints. The SMR constraints evaluate aspects of phonological derivations much like PREC constraints; however, unlike PREC constraints, SMR constraints work on the fly as derivations are gradually constructed. SMR is a minimal elaboration of HS, and it significantly streamlines the machinery necessary to model counterfeeding and counterbleeding opacity as compared to OT-CC. It also opens the door to a novel, local formulation of process interaction that avoids the need to construct and inspect complete derivations, as in OT-CC.